Jackie Evancho O Mio Babbinio Caro 노래가사 부탁드립니다.

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Jackie Evancho - O Mio Babbinio Caro

O mio babbino caro
Mi piace è bello, bello
Vo’andare in Porta Rossa
A comparar l’anello
Sì, sì, ci voglio andare

E se l’amassi indarno
Andrei sul Ponte Vecchio
Ma per buttarmi in Arno
Mi struggo e mi tormento
O Dio, vorrei morir
Babbo, pietà, pietà
Babbo, pietà, pietà

[English Translation:]

Oh my dear father,
I like him, he is very handsome.
I want to go to Porta Rossa
to buy the ring!
Yes, yes, I want to go there!
And if my love were in vain,
I would go to Ponte Vecchio
and throw myself in the Arno!
I am pining and I am tormented,
Oh God! I would want to die!

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